I paid a very special visit to The Treehouse, Bel Air, I feel as though since returning from China with new ah-ha moments, coupled with finding out I have high blood sugar, is pushing me towards a transitioning in my life. And I feel it is more than just a coincidence that this visit to The Treehouse was set up when it was.
Personally, I have grappled with the idea of going vegan. Like you, I was deeply affected by movies like Forks Over Knives, and What The Health. If you’ve watched them, you know what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t…..well, even if you don’t have the slightest inclination to go vegan, I cannot recommend enough how important it is to watch these documentaries. I say, even if you eat meat, you still have an obligation to know the full effects that it has, not only on your health, but also on planet Earth as well.
Eating meat should not be taken for granted, as we so often do. There are so many resources that go into making that neat little package of meat you are probably used to buying. While I am far from being vegan, I still want to have all the knowledge of what it takes to raise cattle and chickens, so that I’m not just blindly consuming. Plus, veganism doesn’t always come overnight. For some, like myself, it is a process of awareness. I’m hoping that one day the more I become aware of what’s going on, the more it will push me in the right direction.
Now, going back to my stay at The Treehouse…This was definitely an eye opening experience. I was introduced to mindful living. What I mean by that is that they don’t just do things to do them, there is a deeper purpose behind it..everything from how the kitchen is ran to the water that they provide (alkaline of course).
On this particular visit, I decided to take my mom and the first night, we were greeted with a big pot of tea, and all we did was just sit and talk for hours. It was exactly what we needed to connect. In fact, doing so reminded me of the Chinese tradition where friends would get together simply to talk and drink tea for hours on end.
After a few hours of talking and relaxation, Hedda, owner of The Treehouse and her husband whipped up an entire vegan dinner in less than 20 minutes. Can I just say, my body was CRAVING this type of dinner. I mean, I felt my body singing or call it vibrating with excitement over this meal. I was so amazed that something so simple and healthy could be so delicious too. Dinner is not always served for guests but can be requested in advance.
Our accommodations were in the blue elephant room, and I believe they have anywhere from 4 to 5 rooms for guests to stay in. The rest of the house, like the common living room and the backyard patio were perfect for some quiet time. One could easily read a book or meditate in that peace. Some people do treat this place as a hotel while they’re in the city, while others will come here as a retreat, to get away from the stress of city life and just escape to do a stay-cation.
They also have activities that guests can partake in when pre-arranged such as massages and yoga. We had a kundalini yoga session with Hedda and it absolutely kicked my butt. I was sore for the next three days after that.
All in all, I left knowing that there is still so much out there that I have not explored just yet. People talk about vibrations, and energy, and I still have so much to learn. I’m happy that this visit to The Treehouse came when it did. It was not just a hotel stay, far from it. It was more of an awakening, or a nudge if you will to wake up. Of course, that does not mean that anything will change in my life overnight. But, in my opinion, the more exposure, the better.
If you are interested in trying them out for yourself, The Treehouse is offering a 2 for 1 special if purchased now through the end of December for use in 2019. To view this this deal, visit https://thebelairtreehouse.com/store?olsPage=products%2Fjoy-to-the-world-2-nights-1-price. With this deal, you also get a biodynamic breakfast, morning yoga class, and free parking. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts so please leave them in the comment section below and let me know, are you or have you ever considered veganism? If so, what’s holding you back?
It’s all in the details