Taste of Chicago!
What a way to start my personal food quest in Chicago by going to the 35th Annual Taste of Chicago, a food festival where popular restaurants from all over Chicago come together to showcase their goods. Its a free festival, but you have to purchase tickets in order to get food. It cost $8.50 for 12 tickets, and each sample of food required anywhere from 4 to 5 tickets.
I traveled from one end to the other in search of the best food and I honestly am so happy with my choices.
Homemade Popsicles
Fried Catfish
Pierogi’s at Kasia’s
But the BEST food in the entire festival has to go to La Bomba, a Puerto Rican Restaurant for their Pork Shish Kabobs. I meannnnn…..Hello! This was hands down the tastiest thing in the entire festival. It was so good we ordered 3 of them. OH, and their secret ingredient is such an odd one, (I saw them add it to the boiling pot), but it makes all the sense in the world. Sorry, can’t divulge that. You’ll just have to try them out whenever you get a chance. This is somewhere I would definitely seek out the next time I’m ever in Chicago.
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