18713 Ventura Blvd.
Tarzana, Ca 91356
(818) 609-9050
If you’re looking for a great sushi restaurant in the valley, this is it. In Fact, its probably THE BEST sushi spot in the valley, west of Sepulveda. Yes, I think its better than Cho Cho Sun, aka Revolving Sushi. Now, the prices are tad steep compared to other spots, but we’re talking about raw fish here. I really don’t think “cheap” is the way to go. Plus, you can tell that the premium you pay is because you are getting BETTER QUALITY food, as opposed to paying top dollar just to sit in a pretentious restaurant, in a pretentious city, and eat shitty food. Not to mention, this place is packed!! People going in an out, so you know there’s high turnover with their food. You can tell from first bite how fresh their food is. And guess what…no need to worry about bright lights and a casual atmosphere, because their ambiance is great too! Its dimly lit, and can be a romantic spot too. Trust me on this one, one visit and you will be hooked!
Spicy Tuna on Crispy Rice
Chilean Sea Bass Skewers
Hamachi Cilantro
Green Beans
Green Roll
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