Kate Mantelini
9101 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Kate Mantelini…nice restaurant, but to be totally honest I was not too thrilled with all the options. It was actually hard to find stuff on the menu that I actually wanted to eat. Not to mention, the prices were a little high for just a casual lunch with co-workers, in my opinion. You’re looking to spend about $15 – $25 per plate. I ordered the salmon with spinach, which was good and tasty, but the recipe is so simple it’d be HARD to mess it up. However, the salmon was VERY under-cooked, which they do warn you about, I just wasn’t expecting it to still be THAT raw even after asking for it to be medium-well. It was still VERY raw on the inside. I normally make it a point to let you know if a restaurant is an absolute must, well this is NOT one of them.
Signature Fish and Chips
The “Little Hollywood” Filet Mignon Sandwhich
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